Monday, September 8, 2008

This is not working for me.

I think I have an aversion to Kathy Smith's program or something. Been having a really hard time staying on track with her program and it's just not working for me. I think I may create my own program with her stuff just so I can keep myself active. Like maybe have it
Mondays : Cardio,
Tuesdays, 1hour Strenght
Wednesdays: Pilates, Yoga
Thursdays: Cardio
Fridays: 1 hour Strenght
Saturdays: Pilates, Yoga
Sundays: Off day
I dunno what's up with me but it's just not cutting it for me. I'm too tired when I wake up to follow through so I end up eating breakfast and going to sleep. It is possible I am starting to get sick but I don't want to convince myself of that. I will need to find something or else. I think the cardio will have to be something else than her cardio sessions because it's not cutting it for me either.. I don't really enjoy her cardio workout. I really enjoyed Debbie's Slim in 6 but I guess Project You, I feel really differently about it at this stage in my life.. possibily because it's not hard enough (the strenght training is but not the cardio) and I need a bigger push than that. That said, cardio will likely be eliptical trainer while I watch TV or something....or maybe even Wii Fit runs because I love them.
Food wise, I am doing fantastic! :D The diet is great! I find myself excited about every new week! :)
This week, we have:
1 cup bluberries,
1 chocolate espresso waffle with syrup.

Snack 1:
2 light yogurts

1 greek salad, homemade :)

Snack 2:
1 small pear

Chicken breast
zucchini sauté recipe
5 baby carrots,
1 fruit popcycle.

yay! I'm so happy about it lol

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 3 Week 1 Project You

I did it. I did my workout, pilates and yoga. I gained 1.8lbs this morning though I have a hunch it has something to do with my bingeing on chocolate cake yesterday. And for the records, there's no more left in the house so that takes care of my concern. I'll follow my diet completely today.. that's my goal.
After a week and a half of bad eating, it's a little hard to get back on track but I am confident I will be today. Not like if the meals aren't satisfying enough because they are... I guess I just wanted a nibble at the leftover cake slice and somehow it disapeared...made me feel pretty bad after I realized I ate the whole slice, especially since I have no ideas what my mom put into it... so no more... it's time for me to get serious is the day.
At least I am doing good on exercise. Now to straighten out the food. I always knew my problem was food though... My lapse with anorexia/bulemia in my teenage years have mad me obsessed with it but I am usually pretty good at controlling it until I slip up. Now no more slip-ups! I need to keep my calories in count and be good! :) If I can keep it straight today, I'll reward myself with a nice relaxing bath tonight. and how I want one.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Project You Day 2 Week 1

Just finished my second day of getting back on track.. well at least the working out part of it.. it's only 6:30AM lol I'm pretty happy with my weigh-in this morning. Lost 4.6lbs of those 6lbs gained.. but upon recalculating, I had gained another 3.2lbs camping so I am close to getting back to my last recorded 203.7lbs. I am currently at 209.2lbs so another 5.5lbs to go until I'm back to it. Not too bad.. I think it won't be long as most of this weight gain is likely water retention. I was eating pretty bad = high sodium foods while on trip and I think this might have caused most of the gain because losing 4.6lbs in one day can only account for that i think.
The food is fantastic, though I think I'll try to see if Gazpacho is any tastier warmed up. I might actually prefer it on the warm side, we'll see :) The Breakfast Burrito is phenomenal and the Baked potato with ricotta is less than I expected but still pretty good! :) I forget Ricotta doesn't really taste all that much like cheese lol. oh.. i actually forgot the parmesan!!! I think it will be better tonight then. lol
My first day back at work today and I can only say that I wish my vacation was longer... it really feels nice not to think of anything for once... School starts next week... I have courses on Tuesday and Wednesdays so those are the days I'll have to do my workout in the morning or else I won'T be able to fit it in elsewhere. I still want to have a habit of exercising in the morning anyway.
Alright, I'm going to go lie down before I go back to work. I have a feeling this will be a crazy day!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Restarting Project You - Day 1 Week 1

I gained 6lbs while on vacation but am not beating myself about it. I've enjoyed my vacation and now it's time to get myself back into gear. I won't be taking a picture until next Sunday because I don't feel I would do myself some justice by doing this lol. I feel bloated, time of the month is coming up and it's making me look well-rounded while I know I am not usually... darn women hormones!

I have decided to restart Project You for a few reasons:
  1. I don't feel like I put my all into it when I first started it
  2. I haven't exercised at all while on vacation
  3. The diet Kathy suggested made me lack energy, so less motivation to actually do the workout...more about that later
  4. I think this program can be great if I put all my energy into it and with this new found energy, I am ready to pounce onto it
I already did my first workout this AM. Despite this being a stats holiday, I got up at my usual time to exercise so I can get back into routine. I did Foundation and Lower Body and I did put all my energy into it. How soon do you ever get out of shape! My arms were killing me with simple moves. My legs.. well, let's just say I have been working them non-stop while on vacation with walking 4-5 hours day in and day out. So not surprising I can still keep up with lower body workout lol.
Okay, so about Kathy's's basically a Low-Carb diet similar to Atkins. Now don't get me wrong, I tried but I simply can't do it with this lack of energy. I found my form suffered while working out, my motivation to actually complete it suffered and my overall mood was negative. I know this type of diet can work for certain people, but it seriously won't for me. I need some type of carb...carbs are NOT evil, they are necessary to provide energy to the body/muscles and I found that since Kathy's die lacked of carbs, I was not able to focus as well on my workouts.
I shopped around for a good diet that incorporated Carbs and found Denise Austin's Eat Carbs, Lose Weight. I enjoy the concept of this diet and overall, I think this will be great for me to stick with. In the Calorie-range I am looking to be with, this diet is perfect to complement my exercising routine and healthy eating habits.
This week, my meal plan consists of the following:

1 Breakfast Burrito (1/2cup tomato/avocado salsa, 1 egg, 2tbsp refried beans on a flour tortilla) (290calories)
1/2 grapefruit (53 calories)

Snack 1:
1 pear ( 62 calories)

1 1/4 cup Homemade Gazpacho (130 calories)
1/4 cup Homemade Hummus (87 calories)
1 cheese string (49 calories)
11 baby carrots ( 35 calories)

Snack 2:
1 chocolate pudding (170)

3oz broiled tenderloin pork (168 calories)
1 cup steamed turnip (16 calories)
2 tsp light margarine (35 calories)
1 Baked Spinach-Stuffed Potato (1 potato topped with ricotta, parmesan and spinach) (200 calories)

Total of 1295 calories and must I add TASTY calories! yum!