Weighed in at 212.5lbs this morning. Meaning an additional 0.9lbs has been lost. That puts me at 1.7lbs before I reach my original goal of 18lbs before the wedding and if my sick feelings this morning is any indications, I'll reach but not necessarily in a healthy way. I had started typing this blog and within two seconds, I got a surge of nausea, stopped and tried focussing on what I was eating and realized it probably came from the cream cheese. I just took two gravols and now ready to knock myself out. I just called in sick, I don't know what's up with me, but it's like if everytime I do another workout with Slim in 6 something bad happens! I did Burn it Up this morning, thank goodness the nausea started after the workout! I hope I will feel better soon as I do want to go in the work...but worse comes to worse, I'll just rest up the whole day.
I don't really want to be thinking about food right now but the protein shakes are now made with mangos instead because the store was out of raspberries. I am not sure if the nausea feelings started with the protein shake or the bagel with cream cheese, all I know is that I didn't have enough to actually throw up so I'm stuck feeling shitty all day long.. ugh!
Enough about that, the workout was a little wasier today, so that brings me to say, I probably was overtraining in the past few days and needed to rest in order to get better. We'll see where that brings me tomorrow. I am minus my protein shake and my bagel this morning but at least I'll fill up on my other meals later if possible...
okay, so the nausea passed, don't think it's the cream cheese afterall, I don't think it's the milk, I don't know what it is but stomach was just upset like you wouldn't believe. I literally looked green. I slept most of the day and by 3 was awake and watching TV.. not really worth going in for 1 hour of work. Exercise tomorrow seems promissing.
Netflix Dolor y gloria (2018)
11 years ago
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