Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 6 Week 1 Project You

Wowy has me signed up for Foundation but today is my choice day. Since me mom wants to go shopping with me and I know that entitles 8 hours of walking, I am considering that my exercise of the day. I know it's not too strenuous but I'm still going to feel it tomorrow because standing up for that long is always pretty hard on the legs lol
I've been pretty bad foodwise yesterday. Instead of my last protein shake (supper), I had a Chicken Snack Wrap (grilled with Buffalo sauce), Zesty Cheddar Doriots, and three Pizza Pringle baggies.. :S Despite this bad eating, I lost 1.5lbs today. Think my body was trying to tell me it needed carbs? I think so... Only bodies that need carbs won't gain weight after eating that much junk lmao


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about going off the diet. I've done that the odd time and usually it has worked for the better for me. I think cause it confuses your system. Like tonight we are going for chinese food - good test of will power of not eating too much!

Carl Daikeler said...

Even if your body was trying to tell you it needed carbs, try to have better carbs around than all that processed stuff. Little carrot sticks, tomatoes, an apple. The trick is to feed your body what it needs, not what your tongue needs. (That's not always easy, I know that first hand)

Anyway -- congrats on going for it. I hope you have great results!


Lyane said...

thanks Carl :) I'm very aware I should have fed it better carbs than that lol And I agree, half the battle was waiting until I got back home and have the healthy stuff I had in my fridge. Wasn'T sure how long it would be until I would get home and I was starving so I grabbed anything I saw that tempted me.. My bad. But it's not the end of the world for me. I'm right back on the wagon! :)