Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 3 Week 1 Project You

I did it. I did my workout, pilates and yoga. I gained 1.8lbs this morning though I have a hunch it has something to do with my bingeing on chocolate cake yesterday. And for the records, there's no more left in the house so that takes care of my concern. I'll follow my diet completely today.. that's my goal.
After a week and a half of bad eating, it's a little hard to get back on track but I am confident I will be today. Not like if the meals aren't satisfying enough because they are... I guess I just wanted a nibble at the leftover cake slice and somehow it disapeared...made me feel pretty bad after I realized I ate the whole slice, especially since I have no ideas what my mom put into it... so no more... it's time for me to get serious is the day.
At least I am doing good on exercise. Now to straighten out the food. I always knew my problem was food though... My lapse with anorexia/bulemia in my teenage years have mad me obsessed with it but I am usually pretty good at controlling it until I slip up. Now no more slip-ups! I need to keep my calories in count and be good! :) If I can keep it straight today, I'll reward myself with a nice relaxing bath tonight. and how I want one.

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