Monday, September 8, 2008

This is not working for me.

I think I have an aversion to Kathy Smith's program or something. Been having a really hard time staying on track with her program and it's just not working for me. I think I may create my own program with her stuff just so I can keep myself active. Like maybe have it
Mondays : Cardio,
Tuesdays, 1hour Strenght
Wednesdays: Pilates, Yoga
Thursdays: Cardio
Fridays: 1 hour Strenght
Saturdays: Pilates, Yoga
Sundays: Off day
I dunno what's up with me but it's just not cutting it for me. I'm too tired when I wake up to follow through so I end up eating breakfast and going to sleep. It is possible I am starting to get sick but I don't want to convince myself of that. I will need to find something or else. I think the cardio will have to be something else than her cardio sessions because it's not cutting it for me either.. I don't really enjoy her cardio workout. I really enjoyed Debbie's Slim in 6 but I guess Project You, I feel really differently about it at this stage in my life.. possibily because it's not hard enough (the strenght training is but not the cardio) and I need a bigger push than that. That said, cardio will likely be eliptical trainer while I watch TV or something....or maybe even Wii Fit runs because I love them.
Food wise, I am doing fantastic! :D The diet is great! I find myself excited about every new week! :)
This week, we have:
1 cup bluberries,
1 chocolate espresso waffle with syrup.

Snack 1:
2 light yogurts

1 greek salad, homemade :)

Snack 2:
1 small pear

Chicken breast
zucchini sauté recipe
5 baby carrots,
1 fruit popcycle.

yay! I'm so happy about it lol

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 3 Week 1 Project You

I did it. I did my workout, pilates and yoga. I gained 1.8lbs this morning though I have a hunch it has something to do with my bingeing on chocolate cake yesterday. And for the records, there's no more left in the house so that takes care of my concern. I'll follow my diet completely today.. that's my goal.
After a week and a half of bad eating, it's a little hard to get back on track but I am confident I will be today. Not like if the meals aren't satisfying enough because they are... I guess I just wanted a nibble at the leftover cake slice and somehow it disapeared...made me feel pretty bad after I realized I ate the whole slice, especially since I have no ideas what my mom put into it... so no more... it's time for me to get serious is the day.
At least I am doing good on exercise. Now to straighten out the food. I always knew my problem was food though... My lapse with anorexia/bulemia in my teenage years have mad me obsessed with it but I am usually pretty good at controlling it until I slip up. Now no more slip-ups! I need to keep my calories in count and be good! :) If I can keep it straight today, I'll reward myself with a nice relaxing bath tonight. and how I want one.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Project You Day 2 Week 1

Just finished my second day of getting back on track.. well at least the working out part of it.. it's only 6:30AM lol I'm pretty happy with my weigh-in this morning. Lost 4.6lbs of those 6lbs gained.. but upon recalculating, I had gained another 3.2lbs camping so I am close to getting back to my last recorded 203.7lbs. I am currently at 209.2lbs so another 5.5lbs to go until I'm back to it. Not too bad.. I think it won't be long as most of this weight gain is likely water retention. I was eating pretty bad = high sodium foods while on trip and I think this might have caused most of the gain because losing 4.6lbs in one day can only account for that i think.
The food is fantastic, though I think I'll try to see if Gazpacho is any tastier warmed up. I might actually prefer it on the warm side, we'll see :) The Breakfast Burrito is phenomenal and the Baked potato with ricotta is less than I expected but still pretty good! :) I forget Ricotta doesn't really taste all that much like cheese lol. oh.. i actually forgot the parmesan!!! I think it will be better tonight then. lol
My first day back at work today and I can only say that I wish my vacation was longer... it really feels nice not to think of anything for once... School starts next week... I have courses on Tuesday and Wednesdays so those are the days I'll have to do my workout in the morning or else I won'T be able to fit it in elsewhere. I still want to have a habit of exercising in the morning anyway.
Alright, I'm going to go lie down before I go back to work. I have a feeling this will be a crazy day!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Restarting Project You - Day 1 Week 1

I gained 6lbs while on vacation but am not beating myself about it. I've enjoyed my vacation and now it's time to get myself back into gear. I won't be taking a picture until next Sunday because I don't feel I would do myself some justice by doing this lol. I feel bloated, time of the month is coming up and it's making me look well-rounded while I know I am not usually... darn women hormones!

I have decided to restart Project You for a few reasons:
  1. I don't feel like I put my all into it when I first started it
  2. I haven't exercised at all while on vacation
  3. The diet Kathy suggested made me lack energy, so less motivation to actually do the workout...more about that later
  4. I think this program can be great if I put all my energy into it and with this new found energy, I am ready to pounce onto it
I already did my first workout this AM. Despite this being a stats holiday, I got up at my usual time to exercise so I can get back into routine. I did Foundation and Lower Body and I did put all my energy into it. How soon do you ever get out of shape! My arms were killing me with simple moves. My legs.. well, let's just say I have been working them non-stop while on vacation with walking 4-5 hours day in and day out. So not surprising I can still keep up with lower body workout lol.
Okay, so about Kathy's's basically a Low-Carb diet similar to Atkins. Now don't get me wrong, I tried but I simply can't do it with this lack of energy. I found my form suffered while working out, my motivation to actually complete it suffered and my overall mood was negative. I know this type of diet can work for certain people, but it seriously won't for me. I need some type of carb...carbs are NOT evil, they are necessary to provide energy to the body/muscles and I found that since Kathy's die lacked of carbs, I was not able to focus as well on my workouts.
I shopped around for a good diet that incorporated Carbs and found Denise Austin's Eat Carbs, Lose Weight. I enjoy the concept of this diet and overall, I think this will be great for me to stick with. In the Calorie-range I am looking to be with, this diet is perfect to complement my exercising routine and healthy eating habits.
This week, my meal plan consists of the following:

1 Breakfast Burrito (1/2cup tomato/avocado salsa, 1 egg, 2tbsp refried beans on a flour tortilla) (290calories)
1/2 grapefruit (53 calories)

Snack 1:
1 pear ( 62 calories)

1 1/4 cup Homemade Gazpacho (130 calories)
1/4 cup Homemade Hummus (87 calories)
1 cheese string (49 calories)
11 baby carrots ( 35 calories)

Snack 2:
1 chocolate pudding (170)

3oz broiled tenderloin pork (168 calories)
1 cup steamed turnip (16 calories)
2 tsp light margarine (35 calories)
1 Baked Spinach-Stuffed Potato (1 potato topped with ricotta, parmesan and spinach) (200 calories)

Total of 1295 calories and must I add TASTY calories! yum!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 4 Week 2 Project You

I may have to start back up from Week 2 and on for Project You as I'm going on vacation next week and have nothing to play these videos on. Woke up this morning too excited about my vacation to stay focused on my workout... if for any reason, I haven't been on a vacation in well over six years! It's about time. I also have a hard time exercising when I haven'T slept well. New bed is coming in tomorrow so that will change my life...and sleeping habits.. I can't wait
I'll try to exercise tonight when the day's work has worn my excitement out lol

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 3 - Week 2 Project You

My stiff neck is preventing me from exercising this morning. I had Pilates which played throughout but I couldn't do any of the moves because the neck was always extended. So I'll see if it feels better tonight and will apply myslef tonight is possible. If not, the moving of furtniture we will do tonight will be good enough.
Hoping I can keep everything in my tummy today. Lost 0.7lbs this morning and thinking I'll lose more tomorrow as I will be respectful of my diet today...

I moved large, heavy furniture around the house, was sweating it... neck is feeling better...slightly. Am looking forward to exercise tomorrow morning and to camping on Friday! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 2 Week 2 Project You

I really didn't feel like exercising this morning. I'll be quite honest, I looked at the clock and said bleh! here comes a whole hour of working out! I have a stiff neck from God knows what and I tried to massage the knot out yesterday but it didn't work to my favor...It hurts even more today. I'll take muscle relaxers with my supplements and hopefully that will help. Anyway, so I told myself to give myself at least 10 minutes... but since Power Push is a 30 minute workout, by the time 10 minutes came by, there was not much left to it so I said "okay, I can finish it" Then I looked at the time and told myself I didn't want to be stuck exercising tonight after work so I did my Upper Body too! :) I'm really proud of myself for having pushed myself this morning despite my lack of motivation.
I lost 2.0lbs of those 3.3lbs I gained this weekend lol! I hope to see the last 1.3lbs off of me by the end of the week.
Today, I'm going to a friend's (a coworker's) farewell lunch at East Side Mario's. I checked the menu already and will eat the Tuscan Chicken Salad minus the croutons and red onions with the dressing on the side. Seems like a good meal :) I'll also diminish the calories from my protein shake snack... That way, I know I'm safe.

Thank goodness I did my exercise this morning because I just got sick.. not sure how much energy I could have put into this... I think what got to me was the weight loss suplements I am taking. The dosage is too much for my body to take and I guess I'll have to stay at the lowest recommended dosage... I am still going to work because I feel better now that I threw up :S

Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 1 Week 2 Project You

Did Power Push this morning, the Lower Body I left for tonight. I'm feeling very rested right now and I think I took too much time getting ready for the workout I didn't realize I wasted 15 of my workout hour so I'll need to do that Lower Body when I get back from my work :) I will do it. So Power Push is slightly more demanding. I like it :)
I am more than happy I started a new meal plan this week.. I think I needed a change to keep up the weight loss going and now I have it. That said, yesterday wasn't entirely good either.. I still ate less than 1400 calories but the quality of what I ate was not all that great... I gained 0.2lbs today but am confident to see the number down tomorrow.
Meal plan for this week:

1 cup cucumber
2 eggs (I used to have them as hardboiled but now I want them scrambled.)
Salt and Pepper on both

Snack 1:
Protein Shake ( 3/4c berries, 1/2cup chocolate milk, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein)

3oz of chicken
1 cup mixed veggies
1 tbsp soy sauce

Protein Shake ( 3/4c berries, 1/2cup chocolate milk, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein)

I think I was the most excited about the breakfast...don'T ask me why, but that totally backfired when I had my hardboiled eggs lol I don't think I like Hardboiled Eggs all that much.. but now I think scrambled will still be pretty awesome. My preference is for Sunny Side Up but I need bread to dip in it so that's not going to work.

Anyways... I'm feeling very confident because Saturday's shopping spree with my mom got me a bunch of new clothes. I didn't think I fit in regular sized clothes... I was 100% sure that I was still a 14+ (which I probably still sort of am) but I fit in Size 16 regular! That is an absolute thrill! I assume I don't fit in 15s though but I can probably get into 17s in odd-numbered stores. Looking forward to kicking the Plus sizes aside. :) With this fresh new outlook, I got rid of a lot of my clothes yesterday... thinking "did I wear this? more than once? Do I plan to wear it?" A lot of my clothes fit in the no pile so I brought them the the chairty box we have close to our townhouse :) So not only do I feel good about myself for fitting in smaller sized clothes, I feel good about donating the clothes I no longer will wear :) Double plus. Okay, time to get changed and ready to go to work! I'm feeling great today! (I went to bed at 7:30 lmao...I couldn't help it!)
Did my Lower Body Workout and am tired now. Happy I managed both my workouts! :D

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day 7 of Project You

Alright, so yesterday was another bad day of food but I'm totally back on track today lol
I was at my parents and I always have a hard time refusing what they are offering especially since we had visit yesterday on top of me and my brother and sister-in-law. I'm not feeling too bad about it because it's not like I'll continue eating poorly. I'm completely back on track from today on! lol I don't know where my vacation will take me but I will have to wait and see and hope for the best lol I gained 3.1lbs in one day, but I know it's all that retention of sodium and all that food I ate still needs to be digested. I'll probably loose it all really fast too. I still finish the week with a net weightloss though of 1.3lbs which is about a normal weight loss for a week.
Here's the new data for this week:



















Lost nothing around my chest, 1 inch around my waist and 0.5 inches around my hips :)
Now I don'T think there's much of a difference between last week's picture and this week's but here it is anyway :) I think it's still important I keep a weekly progression so I can see what I did every week. All my effort :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 6 Week 1 Project You

Wowy has me signed up for Foundation but today is my choice day. Since me mom wants to go shopping with me and I know that entitles 8 hours of walking, I am considering that my exercise of the day. I know it's not too strenuous but I'm still going to feel it tomorrow because standing up for that long is always pretty hard on the legs lol
I've been pretty bad foodwise yesterday. Instead of my last protein shake (supper), I had a Chicken Snack Wrap (grilled with Buffalo sauce), Zesty Cheddar Doriots, and three Pizza Pringle baggies.. :S Despite this bad eating, I lost 1.5lbs today. Think my body was trying to tell me it needed carbs? I think so... Only bodies that need carbs won't gain weight after eating that much junk lmao

Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 5 Week 1 Project You

Did my exercise for the day already.. (Foundation + Lower Body) I probably could have pushed myself a little harder but I kept getting distracted by this black hornet flying in my house. I know you're probably thinking why did I not kill it but thing it, I am really scared of any bugs and my reaction was dodging it instead and hope Alex deals with that later. or the cats for that matter as they like playing with bugs and snack on them...
Anyway, that's not the point. I still sweated it out I just didn't give it my all at all times. I gained 0.7lbs this morning...I am thinking it's muscle because I'm not doing anything differently foodwise or anything... It will probably be down again tomorrow.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 4 Week 1 Project You

holy tired! I can't do my exercise in this condition so I'll do it tonight after work once again. I get a really hard time putting all my enerygy into it when I'm this tired so I give up for the morning. I'll edit this once I do my exercise tonight
I did my workout. I'm still rpetty tired though.. go figure. I did have my full 8 hours of sleep and I guess I just need to crash a little earlier than usual tonight.. see if that will help me. Okay, so I did Foundation and Upper Body. I felt the burn again.. and it was intense! I want to keep on going! Lost 0.2lbs this morning.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 3 Week 1 Project You

Today I did Yoga and Pilates. There were certain moves in the Pilates video that I was not really certain I could do... at least not yet but I hope I will be able to by the end of the program. :) I lost an additional 0.7lbs this morning so I am back at 24lbs lost! pretty happy about this if you ask me! I hope it keeps going down... it puts me at 4.9lbs until I reach my next goal of 199.9lbs. The starvation continues. I am so hungry when I wake up it's kinda nice to feel it for a change. Usually wake up normal... but I don't know.. I think you're supposed to be hungry when you wake up after a full 8 hours + without feeding your body... I didn't feel it before but I do on this Fast Track plan. Oi!
OH! it's also the first time I saw how Yoga Booty Ballet is... it looks neat but I think I'd chose Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs before that knowing I want to keep anything Tony Horton for last programs to purchase :P I'm still a little tired so I think I'll go snooze. I didn't achieve my goal of 8 hours of sleep last night. I'll try achieving that tonight instead then.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 2 Week 1 Project You

Weighed in at 205.5lbs this morning meaning I only need to lose 5.6lbs to reach my next goal! I need to keep bringing it! :) That's a total of 2.2lbs in one day! pretty awesome I think but I still won't get my hopes up. I told Alex that if I keep up like this, I may be setting myself a pretty easy goal to attain 185lbs by my birthday... it looks like I'll achieve that way before then! But like I said, not getting my hopes up just yet. I've already noticed I feel a lot smaller today. I didn'T take my measurements and I must resist because that should always always wait until Sunday since there are days where I feel bloated and others where I don't and if it happens I'm bloated on Sunday, then I won't feel down about the measurements going up. But still, I feel a lot smaller today. Most likely the exercise.
Okay, so I did Foundation and then Lower Body this morning. I am getting a hang of the moves in Foundation and Lower Body was pretty tough too. I have to remind myself that I'll get good results if I keep pushing myself past the burn but holy does it ever burn! On another note, I fit into an old skirt yesterday and an older pair of capris today! so I'm thrilled some of my old clothes is coming back on my shelves and I can wear them! :) I want to eventually be wearing all of my old clothes and get ride of the baggy ones but for now, I still have to hold onto my baggy clothes because I don't quite fit just yet into most of my old clothes.
I figured out my treat for when I reach 199.9lbs. I'll be a new yoga mat because mine seems to keep on slipping... not good for a yoga mat, it's supposed to say stuck on the floor! grr! I'm afraid I'll hurt myself if I keep exercising on it. and since I'm only 5.6lbs away from reaching it, it gives me an incentive to push myself harder so I can buy myself one this weekend or next before I go off on my trip anyway.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 1 Week 1 Project You

I just finished my first day on Project You and I thought cardio wasn't too bad.. not too hard but I bet the next level will be pretty much up tempo so I am looking forward to the next level already lol but I'll follow it to plan. The Upper Body Abs routine is a killer though! I can feel the blood rushing in my arms right now. Then again my Upper Body is so weak that it's not surprising...
Anyways... I was apparently supposed to do lower body and not upper body lol but I'll just switch it up tomorrow... it's no biggy.
I'm on Fast-Track for 2 weeks meaning it's a meal plan of 2 meals of protein shakes with berries and 2 meals of 2 green veggies and one kind of protein.
This week I decided to do it like this:

Breakfast: (6AM)
Protein Shake (1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1 cup skim milk, 3/4 cups mixed berries)

Snack : (9AM)
1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1 cup cucumber

Lunch: (12PM)
4 slices of deli turkey, 1 cup celery, 1 cup cucumbers

Dinner: (4PM)
Protein Shake (1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1 cup skim milk, 3/4 cups mixed berries)

If you calculated that, it isn't very caloric for a meal plan but keep in mind it's not like that for the whole program (else I'd be starving myself lol) It's a 2 week fast track and then it's 4 weeks at 1500 calories daily. I think I'll succeed with this.
Now I am trying to figure out what I should treat myself to when I reach my second goal of 199.9lbs...I got myself a stunning haircut for attaining the first one...(speaking of which, I'll post a picture at the bottom)and now for my second goal, what should I get myself??? If you have any ideas, let me know. I don'T want to give myself a food reward... so please discard that thought! It will have to be something maybe whitening trays for my teeth.. hmm maybe... that would be an idea, right? and If I attain it before I go on vacation, maybe I'll treat myself to something in Quebec city... maybe.. I think that may be nice... anyways.. I'm rambling.
I had so many double-takes because of my new hairstyle... it highlights my weightloss very well!!! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 7 of Recovery

Tomorrow I start Project You!!! Oh my goodness how I can't wait! I spent almost the entire day preparing the meal plans for the full 12 weeks on the website because I am afraid I may not have as much time when I start school and I'd rather know what I eat at a quick glance. I think I did fairly well.
I gained 2lbs today, and not entirely surprised yet again. Besides eating my supper quite late (I waited until I was at my brother's place and he had lots of left overs from his wedding which was beautiful if I can't say the least), I also am full blown in my periods today.. I started yesterday but today is my heavy day which usually makes me gain weight. So there you have it. I still end up this week with a net weightloss of 2lbs which is still pretty good! Now here are the new stats:



















I lost a total of 1.5 inches this week, .5 inches in all areas which I find pretty impressive. Today I get to treat myself for reaching my first goal. I am getting my hair done and it will be pretty! I guess I should have waited to take the After picture until then but I get too excited to do that lol
Here is my Before and After picture for this week!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 6 of Recovery.

Gained 1.3lbs today but not entirely surprised as I just finished my 4 days of Fasting and I ate yesterday. I can'T say I went overboard because I didn't but I did eat. I danced all night and walked around a lot yesterday, so any calories I ingested were spent throughout the day. It was a beautiful wedding and a fun reception :) I just thank goodness I am in recover week this week. I am spent and not entirely sure I can get up and exercise at all. My feet are killing me, and I am so low on energy!
On another note, I got Project You yesterday so I'll be playing around on Wowy to figure this thing out and then on the meal planner to play around with this too.. :) I hope it's simple as she promises it to be!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Day 5 of Recovery

I reached a total of 24lbs lost before the wedding! Formidable!! I don't know if I'll gain some today given I am started to eat again (Fasting is over!!) but I will know not to get discouraged if it goes up a little. I consider all the dancing I'll do tonight to be the exercise today. I think 24lbs is a superb accomplishment in just a little over 6 weeks time. Had you asked me in mid-June if I thought I could lose this much the answer would have been no, but I sure as hell would try my best. Living proof that when you put your all into it, results, fantastic at that, happen :)
Yesterday, I heard Alex arrive and I just stood up to greet him and because I wanted to tell him something (I'm in the class of people that I must see someone and look them in the eye while I speak). Anyways, you might be thinking what this has to do with losing weight, well, the first thing Alex told me without waiting for me to say anything was, "Lyane, you look great!" Now that made me special, and pretty. The funniest part was that I was in my ratty old PJs but apparently they fall at just the right places now and it just stood out to him all the progress I have made! :) I felt like a million dollars :)
I'm about to leave soon... 20 minutes, to grab a bus to go get my hair and makeup done. My mum changed the location of where I was to meet her yesterday so now I have to leave a little earlier to get there on time. She was wondering why we had originally chosen the other location but I guess she didn't realize it was because it's much closer to where I live. Since she drives, then I'll abide by whatever she prefers. I'll go lie down before I leave because I can' t imagine lasting a whole day like this if I don't take any naps...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 4 of Recovery Week.,

Will keep this one short and sweet. I have to run off today to get my legs waxed, eyebrows waxed, pedicure, manicure, get out money for the wedding gift, go shopping with Mom for Alex's b-day gift and then dropping ot off tonight at their place because apparently they need it asap! I don't mind but given the wedding is tomorrow, not really sure what they could possibly put it on so soon to the wedding. Anyway, I'll give them a call tonight to see if they want it now. That is totally off topic, I apologize. I am getting really distracted by the wedding these days.
This is the last day of fasting! I am really hungry and am looking forward to eating two eggs and a toast tomorrow for breakfast. Yum!!!! I am also eyeing the Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup for lunch and thinking it would be nice to have it paired up with a grilled cheese. I'll try calculating it anyway lol I lost an additional 1.3lbs this morning and weigh 205.5lbs. 5.5lbs til I reach my next goal. I still haven't treated myself for my previous goal achieved (getting my haircut on Sunday) so I hope I will reach the 200 landmark after I treat myself so I can treat myself to two thingd... I'm still thinking about what I want to treat myself to once I reach the 200lbs lost landmark... not sure yet... I'll need to think about it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 3 of Recovery

Still not exactly the best time to exercise as I'm on Day 3 of Fasting. It's going well so far. Weighed in at 206.8lbs. That means I lost 1.3lbs today. I am getting pretty hungry though...looking forward to Friday so I can eat a breakfast..a real one. I'll keep at it though because I want the most results I can get. So far with fasting I have lost a total of 4.1lbs. I think that's pretty decent. The package says up to 7lbs and I'm a little higher than the middle. I didn't think I'd lose that much but I guess what's partly to blame it the fact I am not eating all that many calories on this Fasting.. and that is also why I am not exercising. Calculated it at 630 calories daily... eek!
Okay so I'm off to go drink my frist shake.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 2 Recovery Week

I would exercise this morning except I am scared I am affraid I would be setting myself for failure. I calculated the amount of calories I am consuming on this Fast and it's around 600 calories. Now all those calories are needed to keep me standing so I don't think I should waste them with exercise at this point. I lost 2.8 lbs today for a total of 20.7lbs :) I'm at 208.1lbs. Makes me think perhaps I can reach my second goal for my brother's wedding at 2.8lbs a dayX 4 = 11.2lbs :) That would put me under 200! :D.
I've been spotting for the past few days. Everybody telling me not to worry about it because I'm probably just having an early period or because I unbalanced my hormonal levels with all the weight loss I have done in the past month. Maybe. If I am still spotting after I am supposed to get my periods, I am going to have to get it checked... In the meantime, I need to stop thinking about it because like everybody says, it's probably nothing.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Recovery Week - Day 1

Today Is Day 1 of Recovery week. Did Cool it Off and it felt nice.
Gained 0.7lbs this morning, but I'm not entirely surprised... I nibbled on chocolate covered almonds yesterday and ate at Bourbon Chicken. I have to admit I did not finish my plate at Bourbon chicken, the chicken was...yucky, and the rice tasteless so I figured I shouldn't waste my calories on something I don't enjoy. Since it's hard to determine how many calories I consumed from Bourbon Chicken, I guesstimated and I think it was lower than my normal caloric intake but I am not entirely certain.
Today is also my first day of my 4-day fast. The chocolate fasting powder tasted great! I am glad it did because I was worried I'd feel sick just drinking it. But it's like having a glass of chocolate milk. :) So now it's to see if it really works. I hope it does. I could stand to lose another few pounds before the would be nice.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Slim in 6 Completed (Day 7 Week 6)

I woke up with a splitting headache....don't know why but I think it's time I give my head a longer rest than needed. Maybe I'm a little dehydrated though I have to admit i drank a lot of water yesterday... so I think it's just me being tired. With a splitting migraine like this, I'll the exercise off until later when my head doesn't hurt as much Now I do know you want the before and after pictures, so to make it different I'll try to insert it at the bottom. First and formost, here are the results in numbers!



















Pretty impressive, no? I lost a total og 18.7lbs in 6 weeks and a total of 12 inches off my body and almost 3% off my body fat! I'm really happy with myself and totally am making myself ready to embark on the Torso-Toning Program not next week but the week after! Woot Woot! I marked different results on MDB by mistake and now I have to wait until later to change my mistakes. Oh well. At least this one will be accurate! :DOkay I seriously need to sleep some more if my headache is any indication. Here Is the Before and After Picture and have a great day all! :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Week 6 Day 6

Slim in 6 is almost over.. Weighed in at 211.4lbs this morning meaning I only am off by 0.6lbs to my goal (1.3 according to Wii Fit) I think I'll go down tomorrow, I better anyways lol.
I did Slim & Limber and Slim and 6 pack this morning and I saw commercials at the end of my workouts and was really happy to see a little bit of info on Project You! It seems to be a fun workout! :)
Jay told me yesterday that Slim in 6 was meant to break down your muscles which is why you keep exercising all the musclew groups day in and day out. That said, I'll have to do Slim in 6 again in the future because I took a lot of breaks because my body was too sore and did other workouts instead. I'll have to give it another try.. Maybe I would have lost 25lbs by the end of the program had I followed it completely like that. oh well I still reaped great results! :)
I have to remind myself I don't like mangos in my shakes.. I have to stop buying mangos lol I think this may be what caused me to get sick on Monday.
Wedding is in 6 days!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Week 6 Day 5

I'm just so exhausted today.. lack of sleep and all.. or not really lack, I guess I should say not enough. I guess I won't be exercising this morning as I had planned. Yesterday, at work, I was running around like crazy, which is what made me decide not to do Burn it Up last night and do Wii Fit, but I have to tell you, I really pushed myself really hard in Wii Fit and managed a run in 5 minutes while I usually do it in 10! that's twice the speed I usually engage myself in! pretty nuts, no? That'S not the only thing I do of course but that's the one I was most proud about. I did 33 minutes on the Wii.
This morning, when I weighed in, I was pretty pissed off to see I had GAINED 2.2lbs. I don'T cheat, I exercise long and hard and the weight goes up... by a lot! GRRR! I want to see this go right back down! and fast! I'll exercise tonight after supper, there's no way I can manage one right now as I am about the crash due to the lack of sleep
I also have to report I was watching the BNN newscast and was VERY happy they did a segment on the new ChaLEAN Extreme coming out in October. I looked at the preview and I am happy I decided to go with Chalene's workouts as my birthday gift in November. She seems like just what I want to workout with.
No offense to Debbie Siebers of course, I like her workouts too.. Maybe I'll prefer the Slim Series compared to the Slim in 6. I think the problem with Slim in 6 is the lack of variety. I ordered Kathy Smith's Project You last night and will look forward to do her program when I get it. :) and do the different bouts of Slim Series in between. :) Anyway. Today's feelings are disappointment in gaining so much weight while doing nothing off track, and motivation to push myself even harder today tonight. I need sleep now.

Alright, so I pushed play on Burn it Up and I could feel my muscles burning before the workout even started. I had the energy but the muscles would not cooperate and I knew I'd make the burn worse by exercising on top of suggested I do one of the yoga workouts so I did Cool it Off. I really wanted to do Burn It Up tonight but as I told my coach, what use is it for me to get pretty in my my dress if I injure myself for the third time in 6 weeks right before the wedding. I think Cool it Off will have to do. It is better than nothing anyways.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 6 Day 4

Lost another 1.8lbs today. Wii Fit says I still need another 0.4lbs to lose to reach my goal and from my recollection I had marked 210.8lbs as my goal before the wedding so I reached it as I am 210.5lbs this morning! :) I am also certain I will reach Wii Fit's goal by the end of the week. Next week I'll start hammering on the second goal of 200lbs. (well second goal is actually 185lbs but I am putting it at 200 because I had a bet going on with a colleague at work that the first person to dip below 200 gets 5$ and I am going to do it and I'm going to love the fact I succeeded!) Next week is my Fasting week and my brother's wedding on Friday and Saturday and Sunday is time to rest. I will be starting one of Debbie's suggested programs in Slim Series. First one will be The Torso Toning Program which will have me playing with three DVDs for 4 weeks (Tone it Up, Cool it Off and Firm it Up). Anyway, I'll keep you posted when that starts.
I'll be purchasing Kathy Smith's Project You today so I can do a little bit of variety with my prorams until my birthday)
I'll be pushing play tonight after work because I realized I put much more energy into my workout after work recently.. so I want to be able to give it my all on my last few days so I'll update this post later today to confirm that I have done my exercise.:)

EDIT: Wii Fit is on, I am working out with Wii for 30 minutes. I think that would make me happier at this time than working out with Debbie and straining my muscles...My muscles need to cool off a little and cardio sounds like fun for now! :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 6 Day 3

Didn't end up exercising yesterday, was still unwell and my muscles hurt a lot and couldn't imagine putting anymore energy on workout yesterday. I haven't exercised as of yet this morning. I know it's going to sound silly but I told myself if the Wii Fit tells me I gained weight, I'll exercise this morning, if it tells me I lost weight, I'll exercise tonight...well I remained the same weight so I basically had to chose which one I'd prefer and right now, I would much prefer to sleep a little more. My eyes tell it all and I am heading back to sleep. I ant to see results tomorrow so I need to exercise tonight. My muscles are still hurting from Monday's workout but not as much as yesterday. I think I'll so my exercise at 6:00 after Dr.Phil because I have so long to wait before So You Think You Can Dance, I might as well be using an hour of it doing my exercise :) I'll let you know tomorrow morning if I ended up working out. It is week 6 so I really have to put my all into it so the results keep on happenning.

Thanks Chris. I know we all have out days when we feel like crap. I did this morning but I am fine now...must have been bad sleeping patterns...Alex called in sick due to lack of sleep. He may have disturbed mine without me realizing it. I did Burn it Up and I really gave it my all. I am sore all over now lol I wonder how it will be tomorrow morning...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Week 6 Day 2

My tummy was feeling strange when I started the workout. I stopped so I can prevent myself from getting sick. I don't know what's up with the tummy though I thought it was food poisonning yesterday but maybe it's a bug. I'll try to get at least a Slim Series express tonight, if not Burn it Up. I know it's my last week and should put my all into this but I don't really feel like I can when I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'll edit my post later on today (after I do one of my DVDs after work or after supper). Supposed to go shopping for Alex's suit for my brother's wedding tonight so may not be able to get it in until after supper, but I'll do it regardless given that I feel better that is.
I lost 0.2lbs today, putting me at 212.3lbs. My Wii Fit says I need to lose 2.2lbs to reach my original goal which is strange because I could have sworn I had set it to 210.8lbs before... not a big deal, I still think I can reach the goal weight of 210.1 before the wedding (especially since I am doing the fasts next week)
Unsure of whether I can eat breakfast again today...I should keep my protein shake for tonight after my workout though but my bagel and cream cheese.. can I truly eat it without throwing up? I guess I'll have to see.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 6 Day 1

Weighed in at 212.5lbs this morning. Meaning an additional 0.9lbs has been lost. That puts me at 1.7lbs before I reach my original goal of 18lbs before the wedding and if my sick feelings this morning is any indications, I'll reach but not necessarily in a healthy way. I had started typing this blog and within two seconds, I got a surge of nausea, stopped and tried focussing on what I was eating and realized it probably came from the cream cheese. I just took two gravols and now ready to knock myself out. I just called in sick, I don't know what's up with me, but it's like if everytime I do another workout with Slim in 6 something bad happens! I did Burn it Up this morning, thank goodness the nausea started after the workout! I hope I will feel better soon as I do want to go in the work...but worse comes to worse, I'll just rest up the whole day.
I don't really want to be thinking about food right now but the protein shakes are now made with mangos instead because the store was out of raspberries. I am not sure if the nausea feelings started with the protein shake or the bagel with cream cheese, all I know is that I didn't have enough to actually throw up so I'm stuck feeling shitty all day long.. ugh!
Enough about that, the workout was a little wasier today, so that brings me to say, I probably was overtraining in the past few days and needed to rest in order to get better. We'll see where that brings me tomorrow. I am minus my protein shake and my bagel this morning but at least I'll fill up on my other meals later if possible...

okay, so the nausea passed, don't think it's the cream cheese afterall, I don't think it's the milk, I don't know what it is but stomach was just upset like you wouldn't believe. I literally looked green. I slept most of the day and by 3 was awake and watching TV.. not really worth going in for 1 hour of work. Exercise tomorrow seems promissing.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 5 Day 7

As promissed, here is my update of before and after picture. Sorry I look a little mad but I am just trying to wake up still lol The change between this week's and last week's is not as big but it still is quite noticeable. Now to keep in mind I couldn't exercise in the past 4 days may have a reason around that but I did lose quite a lot of weight! :) A total of 2.9lbs in Week 5. I will give you my stats as I am fully aware I haven't written them down in here yet


Week 1 Day 1

Week 5 Day 7








41 inches

37.5 inches


38 inches

33 inches


49 inches

46 inches

And there you have it. Week 5's end has given me 15.4lbs lost, meaning only 2.6lbs to lose to reach my first goal before the wedding! :) If I can lose more than that, it's all gravy! I'd like to get down to 200lbs ideally but I don't want to injure myself again lol Maybe the 4 days of fasting can help me in that goal though... hmm just maybe! I'll definitely keep you posted on that (especially since I do plan on writing daily as I go along.) No exercise today besides going out shopping with Alex once he wakes up. I will start my exercise again tomorrow as my hamstring is getting much better as days go by and I'm getting sad about not exercising and want to do it. If it still hurts tomorrow while I do it, I'll take the bench but I really want to give it a try.
My meal plan for this week changed a little from what I had originally planned but it's no biggy. Just makes things interesting.

half a bagel
1 tbsp whipped cream cheese
Protein shake (1 cup raspberries, 1 cup milk, 1 scoop protein powder)

Snack 1:
4tbsp of almonds

All days except Wednesday
1 veggie dog on a bun with mustard and Ketchup
1 cup of carrots

add to Thursday through Sunday
1/2 baked potato
1 tbsp fat free sour cream

On Wednesday only:
1/8 cup edamame beans
12 pieces of vegetarian sushi
4 tbsp soy sauce

Snack 2:
All days except Wednesday
1 Quaker granola bar
2 Yoplait light yogurts

On Wednesday
1 white cheddar rice cake

Monday through Wednesday
M&M's Butter Chicken, 1 portion

Thursday through Sunday:
1 turkey breast
1 sweet potatoe
1 cup rhubarb

The reason why there are so many changes is that on Wednesday, one of my colleagues at work is celebrating her birthday. She really wants me to be there and wants to go to Sushi Kan (a sushi buffet) I love this restaurant, I just don't like the pressure some people may put on me if I don't help finish what they ordered. I voiced my concern and she told me she would make sure that doesn't happen this time around, at least not with me. So, that said, I am gladly going! Sushi is quite healthy if you choose the healthy ones that is lol I intend to. I'll probably go for avocado sushi and cucumber sushi and vegetarian sushi, of course sharing with everybody else :) Due to that outing I had to manipulate my meal plan for that day. And then, yesterday, my mother gave me a Butter Chicken Dish for M&M so I can try it. And I do want to try it. So I made some more tweaking of my meal plan so I could fit it in! All in all, I get to have it all and still manage my calorie intake! Pretty good for a person that had a hard time doing this before, huh?
Okay, so I'm off to rest up a little before I go out shopping with Alex. I'll give you an update tomorrow, post exercise :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Week 5 Day 6

Weighed in this morning and lost an additional 0.2lbs. This puts me at 214.3lbs. Any loss is a good loss when it come to the battle of the bulge. Tomorrow is Before and After picture update. Not sure if the change will be all that noticeable from last week to this week but I'll still take a newer one. I am not exercising this morning yet again because of the hamstring problems but I think I'll be fine by Monday and pick up from where I left off. Catherine referred to me as "athletic" yesterday. I never really thought that about myself and she explained to me that since I am intensely exercising day in and day out, that I do fit in that category. That feels nice to hear that though I know I don't look anything close to someone I would consider in athletic shape...I guess that will come sometime soon. :)
Went to the movies last night to see Stepbrothers and I did not have any food to eat there.. I actually didn't find they looked appetizing at all...Alex was eating his poutine beside me and the girl beside me was having a bucket of popcorn and I thought they both smelled disgusting and greasy. I guess my way of eating has really changed for the good! I really don't see any point in eating junk. Speaking of which, since I am an executive administrative assistant, there is ALWAYS junk food on my desk. I have to admit I was once the person who fed the junk to the group but I have long since stopped as I realized i was sabotaging my previous results (when I shop, I get stuff I it's hard to resist my junk). Now some other people in my office picked up the habit and bring in stuff for the group. One of my directors has the same tastes as me so you can imagine how hard it is for me to refuse to eat this junk but I do. I refuse. It sits there, everybody digs in, I watch and I don't ever dig in. I know all it takes is one chip, one chocolate or whatever to get me started and I don't want the snowball effect to gain on me. I did so much progress in 5 weeks that I refuse to sabotage it by having one piece of junk food and snowball it from there (chips are my absolute enemy...I buy Rice Cake minis instead and appreciate the treat). I haven't had a craving for junk food since I started Slim in 6. I think that is really fantastic!

This week's meal plan was:

1/2 cup Weetabix cereal,
1 protein shake (1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder, 1 cup berries, 1 cup milk

Snack 1:
1 cup celery sticks,
2 tbsp peanut butter
I cup vegetarian chili,
1/2 cup carrots,
1/2 cup berries
Snack 2:
1 white cheddar rice cake (I love white cheddar!!!)
1 slice vegetarian pizza (Ristorante)
1 cup mixed salad greens
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup cucumber
Salad Dressing Spritzer (1o shots)
I'll let you know what I am having for Week 6 tomorrow :)
Today, I am going to my parents' house. I am bringing my food with me so I don't deviate from the amount of calories I am allowed per day. Especially since I am not exercising due to my hamstring problems, I really need to keep a close eye on what I do end up eating.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Week 5 Day 5

Seems like I was right. I am still losing weight with diet alone. This morning I weighed in at 214.5. That'S a 1.1lb lost. I can only hope it will keep on going down while I recover because that means I may be able to reach my second goal by my brother's wedding (200). I know you might think that's unrealistic but I read somewhere that people who set unrealistic goals are more likely to achieve them than the ones that set up smaller reachable goals. Extra hard work pays off... Don't get me wrong, I won't be working this hard for the rest of my life but I have one goal in mind and it's to look smoking hot in my bridesmaid's dress. Losing weight would REALLY help but muscle toning is just as important if not more. I already look good in my dress right now (haven't seen the newest look with the additional pounds lost but assume the results are the same or better). The closer I get myself to overweight instead of obese (which I am a little shocked I am in that category since I surely don't look obese!!!), the happier I feel. Once I am overweight instead of obese I'll feel more confident of working towards my goal weight (130-140) and keep it off!
On my last week before the wedding I am doing a 4-Day Fast (supposed to be 2 days but I got two packages somehow) which mentions the abilitiy of losing up to 7lbs in 2 days. I don't have my faith in losing that much weight in 2 days but if I do, it would make me reach my 2nd goal a lot faster! I'll keep you posted.
The lack of exercise is getting to me though... It's hard... my hamstring hurts a little and I guess that means I can't exercise as of yet. I guess I'll lay off until Monday. Oh and don't be so quick to judge it was lack of stretching that caused it... I pulled it WHILE stretching. Just to show you how intense my workouts have been, I pulled my muscle because of muscle fatigue. Body is needing the break and I'm giving it the break it needs. Who knows, the break may be what I need to see some more dramatic results next week!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

First Blog - Week 5 Day 4

I have to admit that Drtchrisdavis interested me in this type of blogging. As soon as I saw his blog, I told myself, I can do this too! A little bit og insite about what I am doing to lose weight. I am doign a program called Slim in 6 from Beachbody and I find it to be quite intense. As if that's not crazy enough, I add the odd 30 min workout from Slim Series Express (information will be added as an aside in Blog main page).
The first week I lost a relatively large amount of weight (was following the 6-Day Slim Down plan) with 7lbs total lost in one week. But the progress with Week 2, 3 and 4 have been more progressive. Lost a total of 13.2 lbs in 4 weeks and a half and am looking forward to my official weigh-ins every Sunday (I weigh in daily with my Wii Fit but only really make it official on Sundays because weight tends to fluctuate a lot)
I injured myself last week doing a push up and had to lay off my wrist for a few days so i substituted most of the moves that put pressure on my wrists to ones that worked the same muscle groups without the pressure. Was working fine and my wrist is better but last night, as I was starting my workout, I pulled something in the back of my leg (behind my knee) It felt like an elastic band breaking. It didn't hurt at the time, but I figured I am high on adrenaline so if I damaged it I'll feel it later, so best to lay off of it. I iced it up and sure enough, it started hurting me not too long after. I think I'll just give it a few days to recover since it's not hurting entirely all that much today but I am better safe than sorry. Continuing with my diet though.
So far, weightloss journey is going great! I can only hope it will keep on going great with this latest injury.
The goal was to look great in my Bridesmaid's dress for my brother's wedding on August 8th but with the success I have had so far, I bought the Slim Series to keep on going and keep on losing weight and look great! :)